Real reading
As a writer and a publisher, I’ll admit that I can be a bit picky about books, but when it comes to the kids books I’ve seen recently, I think I’m justified in being a little disappointed. It’s not all books
Something They’ll Never Forget
I took my two younger kids to see the Toronto Raptors’ championship parade and rally in Nathan Phillips Square. We had to get up at 5 a.m. to catch the train to Toronto, then walk from Union Station to the square,
Other people’s kids
It seems I’ve hit a new stage as a work-from-home parent, one where my kids are old enough not to be around the house during the day so other parents see me as an ideal target to hit up for
Learning to Succeed
My youngest son decided to grow a garden this year. He arrived at this decision while watching me turn soil for my garden, and then sow a bunch of kale, which is about the only thing hardy enough for me
Cringey Parenting
I’m lame, and I know it. ‘Cringey’, is the word my kids prefer, meaning that I’m embarrassing, uncool, and unhip. If you need proof, the very fact that I use words like ‘lame’ and ‘unhip’ is undeniable proof that I
A Child’s Perspective
Part of being a child is having a deeply limited perspective. That’s not to say that our adult perspectives aren’t limited in many ways as well, of course, but for a child, with so very little experience of the world,
Play Dating
By Cheryl Maguire When I married my husband, I thought that I was done dating. It turns out I was wrong. I went on several dates with people I met at the library or the Internet. They were playdates for the
Making New Traditions
Annual holidays have fallen into a fairly settled routine for my extended families. We haven’t really had any big adjustments since my wife and I and our siblings got married, moved out, and started having kids, so we’ve had about
Who Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
Adults are constantly asking kids what they want to be when they grow up. It’s the default conversation when an adult doesn’t know what else to say, just like talking about the weather with the person beside us at the
Dating Drama
I always knew that the day would come when I’d need to help my kids negotiate the emotions and drama of romantic relationships. I just didn’t think it would come so soon. Over the past few days, we’ve had one ex-girlfriend
A No-Pet Policy
I’ve always had a firm “no-pets” policy in our house. My feeling is that three children and various longterm housemates constitute a sufficient menagerie for any one household. I don’t need additional dependents that will never go to the bathroom
Get It All Off Your Chest
I met an old friend in the grocery store today. We don’t see each other that often, and when we do it’s mostly about getting our kids together, but we have lots in common as parents. We both have three
Getting creative
I think everyone needs to be creative. Now, I can almost hear a whole portion of readers collectively shaking their heads, eyebrows raised, muttering to themselves, “Well, he’s certainly never seen me with a paint brush,” but that isn’t really what
To be what they want to be
You know how often kids change their minds about what profession they might want to pursue as adults. In fact there are plenty of people who are still changing their minds as adults. So I don’t read anything too specific
Being the best parent possible
By David Essel Wouldn’t it be great if we could all be the best parents possible by simply following a few words of advice? David Essel attempts to set us on the right path with his words of wisdom featured in this
Coping with the Village
I’m sure you’ve all heard the cliche that it takes an entire village to raise a child, and I agree with this. I really do. I appreciate so much that I live in a neighbourhood where I know, not only
Discipline vs. punishment
By Christine Davis Discipline is the art of teaching kids to behave properly. What it is not, says Katherine Firestone, founder of The Fireborn Institute, is punishment. “The purpose of discipline is to teach self-discipline so children can then learn to
Snow days in April
Today is a snow day. Or, more precisely, it’s a sleety freezing rain day, which means that all the kids are home and that I’m writing this to the sound of one child playing video games, another watching cartoons, and a
Letting Go
Every family gets to the point where it stops growing. For some families this is a deliberate choice they make (I think we have enough kids now), and for some the choice is made for them (whether through infertility or
Broadening Your Community
One of the things that I’ve found myself saying more and more as time goes on, whether I’m teaching an adoption course, or leading a writing workshop, or just chatting with friends, is this – “broaden your community”. This can mean