Mommy Ink
For Mother’s Day, I wanted to get a tattoo that symbolized my kids. In my young and carefree days, I got my first tattoo on my lower back (a tree of life) and I always wanted to get another one.
Kids are messy
As a parent, you tend to resign yourself to having a bit of a mess in your house. Okay, maybe more than a bit.
Time to wear glasses
When I was eight years old, I was having trouble reading the chalk board at school, but I didn’t want to tell anyone, because I didn’t want to wear glasses.
How do seeds sprout?
I’m a firm believer that kids should get their hands dirty – whether playing outside or digging in the garden.
Lessons from a full time entrepreneur
Whether you are an entrepreneur or thinking of starting your own business, here are some tips that I wished someone would have shared with me when I started my full time practice.
Avoid the vacation sleep slump: Keep kids well-rested on the road, and have a happier trip
Anyone who’s ever toted a toddler through a busy airport knows that vacations wreak havoc on kids’ sleep patterns. You don’t have to sacrifice sleep in the name of family fun on vacation.
A to Zen for teens: 26 ways to help your teen find more peace
Does your teen seem more frazzled and stressed than usual? Follow these tips below to help your teen find some Zen state of mind.
Social Media Mania
Social media websites are constantly evolving and teens are more in tune with these changes than their parents. Like anything our child is involved in, we want to know everything we can about social networking sites so we can help
Mom-tested travel tips and tricks
Summer is the perfect time to take that much needed family vacation.
Please teach your kids to mind their manners
Does it really make a difference if you solicit a “please” and “thank you” from your child every time you do something for her or give something to her?
To My Husband
I have watched my husband grow into this beautiful Daddy- he is
passionate, fun, loving, patient, and holds the Zen in this household.
As a parent do you ever just feel like this?
Just one big Mumsy Mess! Yes folks sometimes I feel like I am hamster spinning my wheel. Cooking, cleaning, driving, work, birthday presents, special days, events, cottage, cleaning the cottage, cooking at the cottage, looking for my kid who has
Teaching toddlers how to share
An important lesson every child learns one way or another throughout his life is how to share with others.
Diaper packaging recycling
Here’s a new way to ease your concerns about the environmental impact of using disposable diapers
Visit the Y for free on Sunday
YMCAs across the country are opening their doors on Sunday, June 2 for YMCA Healthy Kids Day.
And Tango Makes Three
Just a couple of months ago when someone asked Squeak a question about her uncle’s relationship status she replied, “they're brothers”. Her uncles thought that was hilarious.
Give digital images a life and commit to print
Kids of this generation are the most photographed ever.
The More the Merrier
If your ‘tweens have developed an aversion to the outdoors, start asking questions.