PJ designers wanted
Pajama pants aren’t usually a form of self expression unless you get to design your own. That’s what the Dove Pajama Pant Design Contest is encouraging children between the ages of 6 to 17 to do for a chance to have their design featured on the 2009 Sleepover for Self-Esteem PJ Pants. The pants will be available across Canada through an in-store purchase program. The contest was developed to build upon the success of the recent 2008 Dove Sleepover for Self-Esteem. With more than 5,000 sleepovers registered from coast to coast, the goal of the Sleepover for Self-Esteem was to engage girls of all ages in self-esteem friendly activities and discussions. The 2009 Sleepover will take place during the Spring of 2009. Using words, graphics or drawings, the design can show what makes the designer feel beautiful, how being beautiful makes the designer feel or inspire other kids to feel good about themselves. A 100-word write-up must accompany the entry.
Visit dovesleepover.ca/pjcontest for contest details and entry form. Entry deadline is Thursday, August 7.