Baby Book Cover Photo Contest: The Next City Parent Cover Baby
Who will be the next City Parent cover baby? It could be your baby.
Share the cuteness and enter the City Parent Baby Book Cover Model Contest for a chance to win a professional photo session from Brightside Photography and to see your baby in glossy print on the front cover of City Parent Baby Spring 2015.
Submit your baby’s photo by visiting City Parent’s Facebook page. Click on the Baby Book Contest link to upload your picturebetween Monday, March 2 and Sunday, March 8. The liking starts on Monday, March 9 and closes at midnight on Sunday March 15. We’ll announce the winner, based on the baby with the most “likes”, on Monday, March 16.
For more details go to cityparent.comor Facebook/CityParent. #CityParentBabyBook
Rules and Regulations:
1. Baby must be under 12 months
2. Please “like” City Parent and BrightSide Photography
3. Metroland Employees and their families are not eligible to enter contest.
4. To enter, go to the City Parent Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/cityparentand upload your image by clicking on Baby Book Contest button at the top of our timeline– if you want to put a caption for example “please vote for my baby” and then click submit photo.
5. The photo with the most “likes” By Sunday March 15that midnight on their photo wins, and the winner will be contacted via email and will also be announced on the City Parent Facebook Page and BrightSide Photography’s Facebook page.
*Contest for photography session only and does not include prints or digital files, which can be purchased separately. Images are for use in the City Parent Fall Baby Book 2014 and may be used for promotional purposes by City Parent and BrightSide Photography. Winner agrees not to scan, copy or reproduce the images in any manner without written permission. Winner will be required to sign a model release, and must be willing to travel to the City Parent office in Oakville, Ontario for the photography session.