Technologically advanced kids
Today’s children grow up in a world filled with electronics, gadgets, multi-media entertainment. Televisions, computers, video games, tablets, smart phones have all contributed to how a child’s brain absorbs new information.
Recent studies show that children have a shorter attention span due to the past paced and evolving technology. Information is provided in short bursts and topics change rapidly. My five year old can navigate her way around Netflix on the iPad to watch Saturday morning cartoons, while my two year old plays his choo-choo games on the iPod. It’s not uncommon for the whole family to be absorbed in their own device – laptop, Kobo, Blackberry, iPhone, ipad, iPod – our house as them all.
At school, Katrina’s JK class regularly attends classes in the computer lab, which is equipped with pint sized screen, keyboards, and mice. She also benefits from a smart board and iPad in her kindergarten classroom. When I remember back to my school days when the computers were first introduced, my first experience was learning how to type, whereas Katrina plays interactive games, reads stories and even watches movies at school.
As prevalent as technology is in our house, I try to encourage playtime with toys and story time with books. Gadgets are cool, yes, but snuggling with your kids while reading a book is something that I want my kids to experience and appreciate.