Pregnant women, babies, and the flu shot
Here's what you need to know to protect yourself and your baby from influenza, an illness that can lead to serious complications, including pneumonia.
Making the Holiday’s Relaxing
Taking your baby to visit her grandparents over the holidays can be a wonderful experience, and seeing your toddler running around laughing and playing with his cousins after a holiday meal is always heartwarming. But changes in surrounding
Hooking up with a fitness challenge
I'm on the road to becoming more physically fit and am inviting readers to give me support, offer some tips and share experiences through our City Parent Mom Club online forum. You'll find a link at the end of this
Shoe museum puts the boots to cold with sock drive
Beginning on World Kindness Day, the Bata Shoe Museum will give everyone a chance to show their kindness by giving the gift of warmth. From November 13 to 30 the Bata Shoe Museum will be launching its first annual fundraiser,
Simply intriguing, non-fiction works
How can we encourage children who are able to read but are reluctant to pick up a book.? One way is to offer them information books that combine clear, simple text with a plethora of colourful and intriguing illustrations or
Seven steps to conquer clutter
If you're stepping over piles of junk on the floor, or being pummeled by haphazardly stacked belongings when you open closet doors, you just may be suffering from a clutter problem. Don't worry, you're certainly not alone
Putting the eco in economical
If you’re a stock-watcher, you likely have vertigo from all the ups and downs of the past year. And with the holidays looming, you might be wondering just where you’re going to get the “green” to purchase presents. However,&nb
Gift stress relief
The holiday season is often a roller coaster ride. Alongside the laughs and good times people have with friends and family, are the increased pressures placed on our time and the stress that can create. Much of that stress can
Sillylicious family musical
Cinderella, the Sillylicious Family Musical (Ross Petty Productions/Elgin Theatre) — Ross Petty takes no prisoners: at least when it comes to taking the fairytale classics, tossing in a little drama and drag, mus
A new, kinder, kind of divorce
In an interview in Alberta Venture magazine, Karen Stewart was asked what would be her “advice to anyone about to divorce”.
Old-fashioned radio play
It’s a Wonderful Life (Canadian Stage/Bluma Appel) — The Frank Capra film is an annual holiday tradition in many homes. People don’t just watch it for Jimmy Stewart: it’s a great story that celebrates relat
Halloween Safety Tips for Pets
Halloween can be a fun-filled time for children and adults, too. But it can be a scary time for our pets. The Etobicoke Humane Society asks you to remember these pet safety tips when the hobgoblins gather this year:
Greening your grocery shopping
Full disclosure: I’ve been known to head to the grocery store intent on buying locally-grown organic zucchini only to come home with a box of Lucky Charms. To paraphrase an old adage, the road to hell can arguably be paved
Celebrate children’s books Nov. 2 in Milton
The 11th edition of “I Love to Read” Milton's Book Festival for Children is set for release Sunday, November 2 from12 noon to 4:30 p.m. at Bruce Trail Public School in Milton.With seven authors, illustrators and storytellers plus a pupp
Families that eat together, speak together
Question: I recently you heard on a radio show talking about the importance of having family dinners together but I only heard a few of them and I think you mentioned 10 tips. Could you share those tips again? As
Youth roll out mental illness stigma-busting plan
If you wanted to figure out a way to remove the stigma from mental illness, where would you turn to for advice? Why not to the real experts—people with mental illness who have experienced that stigma themselves?
Grandparents raising grandchildren
"When you are a Grandparent, starting to parent again, you don’t fit anywhere. The friends you had before, as much as they try to support you, realize very quickly you are no longer able to do the things with them
Classics celebrated and in the making
The 100th anniversary of the publishing of the children’s classic The Wind In the Willows by Kenneth Grahame is being celebrated this season with a new edition illustrated by Robert Ingpen (Palazzo Editions, $19
Films from around the world
Sprockets Globetrotter Series (Cineplex Odeon Sheppard Grande) — Going around the world and finding films that deliver more than the status quo is just a subway ride away this fall and winter. Every Sunday from n
Share your Thanksgiving with orphans
The children at Alpha Cottage orphanage in near Harare, Zimbabwe, have a song they sing for visitors: "We want to thank you, thank you! We want to thank you, thank you! We want to thank you for the rest of