Art that is all about the making
By Meri Cherry
As a working mom, I wanted some way to connect with my girls in the limited time we had together. With Process Art, I found my answer. In simple terms, Process Art is art that’s all about the making and the doing, rather than the finished product. It is about listening, connecting, empathizing and wondering. Basically, Process Art is about exploring the journey of life. I have spent more than 20 years figuring out ways to incorporate Process Art into our family life and the lives of children all over the world. “Play, Make, Create: A Process Art Book” is a reflection of everything I’ve learned and I am so honoured to share it.
The following Artist Trading Cards Activity is an excerpt from “Play, Make, Create: A Process Art Book” by Meri Cherry.
Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) are small works of art that can be created, collected, and traded. The possibilities for decorating them are endless. The only rule is they have to be 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches (6.5 x 9 cm).
Check out how this invitation evolved into a heartfelt community experience on page 156 of the book. You never know where the magic of process art will lead you.
- Watercolour paper cut into rectangles
- (21/2 x 31/2 inches [6.5 x 9 cm])
- Markers
- Washi tape
- Watercolour paint
- Other decorative elements, such as stickers, gel pens, sequins, oil pastels, etc.
Invite your child to make as many cards as they want. They are fun to make in multiples or in collections with different themes. There are no rules here. Children can use all of the art supplies to design and decorate their cards however they wish. You can pop them in the mail for a friend in another part of the world and get some in return. Keep them as a creative collection or hand them out to friends.