New Year
If you have a child who sets sky-high standards for herself and is unwilling to settle for anything less than gold-medal performances in any area of her life, why not encourage her to resolve to do something radically different this
Jake: Ziggy Zaggy Road CD
It’s been just over a year since Jake Differ’s last release, Happy All of the Time, but this already seasoned performer seems to have matured a lot in that very short time. Part of this is certainly due to the
Turbo charge your immune system
You can take control. True, the world is filled with nasty viruses, bacteria and carcinogens just waiting to do you in. That's especially true if you've got germ magnets, otherwise known as kids. Just follow these easy steps, and you'll
Finding your space in MySpace
Two teenagers are walking to school. Their baggy, low-slung jeans are miraculously hanging to their hips, which leads one to believe that there must be a belt somewhere under the untucked shirt and undone jacket. A steady pulse of music
Camp means healthy foods for big appetites
A great deal of media attention these days is focused on children’s health and their level of fitness. The official prognosis by medical experts is poor and the gravity of the situation has prompted legislative action on the part of
Dinosaurs resurrected at ROM
Age of Dinosaurs and Age of Mammals (Royal Ontario Museum) — It’s been a long time in coming, but the new dinosaur exhibit at the ROM is finally up. And it’s a whole new approach to showing bones.
The 12 Green Days of Christmas
Not only do I find the song – The Twelve Days of Christmas — incredibly annoying, it’s also highly impractical. Woe to the gift-giver who offers me a partridge in a pear tree or anyone drumming, piping, leaping or dancing.
Birth order, wish lists and tarty attire
Question: I’ve heard, in the past, a little information on birth order. Can you share with me the common points?
For The Birds
If you have a backyard birdfeeder, you could turn it into a science project for your family. Volunteers involved in Project Feederwatch collect bird data to help scientist detect and understand
Health Benefits of Blueberries
Blueberries continue to top the charts as one of the best ingredients of a healthy diet.
Considered a "super food," blueberries are full of disease-fighting and anti-aging properties. They also help promote urinary tract he
Switching From Work Brain to Parent Brain
Making the mental shift between work and home can be particularly tough when you’re a parent who works from home. Here are some tips that will help you to leave your work-related worries at the office, even if work happens
Pre-teen night owls
It’s taken scientists more than two centuries to figure out why Benjamin Franklin’s timeless advice—”Early to bed and early to rise” makes so much sense.
Page advice: Books for children of all ages
Children love to read and be read to. Books make the perfect holiday gift. Here are my picks:
12 toys of Christmas
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas with every toy you see. Here’s a selection of what we saw and liked this year.
Dear Santa
There’s something special about the hand-written wish list and its accompanying envelope addressed to Santa Claus, North Pole, HOH OHO that
On-course, off-course, or lost
In September’s column we examined how your child could LEAP ahead this year through the creation of a Learning & Academic Action Plan (L.E.A.P.)—using the
Bring peace to the season
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah or Kwanzaa, the holidays are supposed to be a time of peace, joy and happiness. Yet for many families, the overriding feeling is stress.
Just ask Christine Campion. The 38-year-
How to write a family newsletter
We’ve all received them — those dreaded holiday newsletters that either drone on about Aunt Sue and Uncle George’s summer vacation in Tucson or brag about how Shane (the preschooler) is reading at the second-grade level and Billy got
Sticker charts revisited
Let word of your toddler's new-found fascination with his potty make the rounds at the next family get-together and you're bound to find yourself on the receiving end of a lot of potty-centric trivia and advice: which members of the