Show kids what grown-up love looks like
Parents’ words and actions teach kids how to show interest and express love, and what it means to be in a committed relationship. If your kids’ love lessons come from Hollywood movies and YouTube videos, you might want to make
Sleepy songs
The sweet sound of the human voice is soothing and Jason Simmons uses his vocal instrument to full effect on his a cappella lullaby CD for children,
Car Seat Safety – Video
View this video on car seat safety
City Parent Family Show Sunday, Feb. 10
City Parent is going to Toronto’s famous castle for a day that offers visitors many extras as well as free admission for children age 13 under.
What to expect as a breastfeeding mother
The key to successful breastfeeding is a great support network. There are many places to turn for help. Most areas have mother groups and special breastfeeding peer groups that can be a great support system especially if you don’t have
Introducing Mother Goose to a new generation
I shared a bedroom with my sister throughout my entire childhood. We had a mural of Mother Goose nursery rhymes on the wall well into our teen years.
Your conduit of information
As the editor of a parenting magazine for about as long as I’ve been a parent to my teenagers, I’ve acted as a conduit of information to other parents.
Entrepreneurship – the new dating game!
Well, that's exactly what it feels like! I had a steady job for over 10 years, comfortably enjoying the corporate world and living worry free.
Getting your hands dirty
I’ve spent most of life playing in one garden or another. Both my grandmother and mother nurtured my green thumb from an early age.
How to be an emotionally attentive parent
The way a child is treated emotionally by his parents determines how he’ll treat himself as an adult
Resolutions to help keep your family strong
It’s January — and everywhere you look there’s talk of resolutions
Frugal tips for fall fitness
The first day of fall is fastly approaching; Saturday, Sept. 22 marks the autumnal equinox and the official end to a sweltering summer. From the crisp, cool air to the brilliantly-colored leaves, this is one of my favorite seasons to
Use encouragement, not praise
As parents, we want our children to feel confident and have a sense of self-worth
Use it before they lose it
Summer Learning Loss (SLL) is a real concern, causing students to forget or lose important skills and knowledge they don’t use over the summer