Don’t worry, I’m the parent
In my work with Children's Aid I often run into kids who are “parentified”, who do the job of parenting their younger siblings because their own parents haven't been able or willing to do it.
Empty House
I've gone from a house-full to a house-empty in a matter of weeks, and I confess that it's requiring an adjustment.
Set up a sleepy space
Often, when babies start daycare we see some nap “regressions”. Setting up a room that is conducive to sleep is key.
Family vacation or family adventure, there is a difference
Crossing the line from rest and recreation to exploring new and exhilarating pursuits is a leap worth taking. The jumping off point for our recent adventure was Ellicottville, a village in up-state New York that’s long been popular with skiers
Get active: Scrum your way to family fun and fitness with rugby
Every summer, families across Canada feel the urge to get outside and be active. Health experts tell us this is a good thing - an active family is a happy, healthy family.
Endless Summer is the soundtrack for September
The title of the Beach Boys album “Endless Summer” has been resonating with me in these waning days of summer. The season isn’t endless but it doesn’t end when school starts.
So much fun at Safari Niagara
Part of the joy of having a child is re-living experiences from your childhood, or in some cases, taking part in new experiences together. Just before the August long weekend, I got to experience the joy of Safari Niagara with
Birthday boom and crash
The morning of my middle's son't birthday party he woke up vibrating with excitement, literally, followed by three hours of constant callisthenics as we waited for 10 a.m. to arrive.
Overcoming adversity
Adverse events present us with a crossroad where we can either control the situation, or let it control us
Baby Book Cover Photo Contest: Share the cuteness
Want to see your baby on the cover of the next City Parent Baby Book? Share the cuteness and you just might!
You really like me
My job is to help campers see each other as people first, so that they can begin to develop friendships with each other despite the social differences that are so important to them and that initially seem to keep them
Not cool
I didn't need to be cool. I didn't need to fit in. I was perfectly happy being an anomaly and a misfit.
Get a job
I've only developed a true appreciation for the housework my four brothers and I created now that I have kids of my own.
The great outdoors
My life gets immeasurably simpler the moment the weather gets good enough that I can say to my kids after school, “Go ride your bikes” or “Go play soccer at the park.
Ear piercing – gun vs. needle?
Getting your ears pierced is a rite of passage, but today, parents have a choice whether to get their child's ears pierced with a piercing gun or needle, but which one is better?