Just a Few More Sleeps
We’re just days away from the Christmas holidays. The anticipation is killing my kids, and by extension it’s also killing me. They couldn’t be more jacked up if I filled them full of energy drinks and gave them packing bubbles
Snowman Cookies
These colourful snowmen will brighten up a dreary winter day and are a fun addition to any Christmas gathering. Get as creative as you like with the expressions and hat styles! Ingredients 1 quantity Vanilla Cookie dough confectioners’ (icing) sugar, for dusting 14 oz.
Bad Parents Anonymous
There’s something that needs to be said about parenting that too few people are willing to say – “It’s normal to feel bad at this.” It’s normal to be unsure about how to deal with a particular situation. It’s normal to
Rewriting the Christmas list
By Kinjal Dagli-Shah Lee-Ann Satari and her husband Ali made a meaningful change to their Christmas tradition last year. The family decided to quit buying gifts for each other and told their children that Santa isn’t real but his spirit is.
Fermented foods during pregnancy –Yes, or No?
By Carol J. Alexander Did your grandma make sauerkraut and store it in a large crock down cellar? Well, for her generation, that is something homemakers did to survive the winter. Today, folks are jumping back on the fermentation band wagon
Go West Young Family
The weather colder these days, and the Santa Claus parade has come and gone, so we decided to go for a little trip with the kids to somewhere a little warmer – Edmonton, obviously. Actually, our choice of destination was determined
How to Talk to Girls
As a father of three sons, one of the things I worry about is teaching them to treat women with respect. Now, when I say this to people (especially to men), I often get a sort of wide-eyed, all-too-naive response. “Don’t
Dad Stuff December 2017
By Christine Davis Paul coat This best selling coat by Lutha features a longer length and synthetic down insulation for extra warmth. An adjustable and removable hood can also help keep Dad dry. Available at Corbett’s Skis & Snowboards and Skiis &
Cool Stuff Gift Guide December 2017
By Christine Davis Rainbow Heart Bear Care Bears celebrate their 35th anniversary with this exclusive new bear. Rainbow Heart Bear is a limited edition, and give its nostalgia, won’t last long. Available at Toys R Us. $39.99 Night Walkie Talkies The perfect sibling gift,
Putting the brakes on the Christmas train
By Jane Muller It may seem hypocritical that a magazine filled with a Santa’s sack worth of gift ideas would also include a feature about a family that has stepped away from abundant gift giving. The reality is that most of us
Making room for fun
Let’s face it, finding time can be tough for families these days with all the things expected of us by our jobs, our schools, and all our other activities. I understand that, so I know the implications when I suggest
Young People’s Theatre presents Beauty and the Beast
By Christine Davis It’s a tale as old as time: A love story with a healthy dose of self-discovery thrown in for good measure. From now until Sunday, Dec. 31, Beauty and the Beast takes the main stage at Young People’s Theatre
Mom Stuff November 2017
By Christine Davis Crated with love This date night subscription box allows couples to save time, money and stress when planning monthly dates. Each box includes a date geared towards the season, as well as activities or games corresponding to the theme
Parents are going online this holiday season
With the holiday season fast approaching, eBay Canada offers the following insights on Canadian consumers, specifically parents. GIFTS CANADIANS ARE WISHING FOR THIS YEAR The top types of gifts Canadians would like to receive are ones that are thoughtful (32%) or useful
Survival Guide to Parent-Teacher Interviews
It’s getting to be about that time when schools schedule their parent-teacher interviews, which can sometimes be an unpleasant experience (on both sides of the desk, I assure you). As a parent, especially if your kids have special needs, or
Make Halloween Great Again
I should start by saying that I don’t hate all of Halloween. I like the dressing up of it, though it’s distressing how few creative and homemade costumes there are anymore. For every kid in a giant handsewn pickle costume (that
Promoting the adoption option
Campaign challenges the unadoptable perception By Catarina Muia It’s hard to imagine that more than 30,000 Canadian kids aren’t getting the childhood they deserve; one with a family that provides them with laughter, care and love. It’s also hard to imagine that
Remembering through literature
By Jane Muller Books can bring about discussion and understanding around difficult subjects including war. The following is a selection of books for children age 5 and older that skillfully approach the subject through real and imagined characters and events. The Vimy
The secrets to sleep and safety
By Christine Davis When I had newborn babies at home one of the first things people always asked me was: “Is the baby sleeping through the night yet?” Before becoming a parent I had no idea that getting a baby to sleep
Mitigating the Emotional Toll of Dyslexia
By Don M. Winn One constant in the universe is that human beings don’t like doing things we’re not good at. When we put forth our very best effort and still struggle or fail, many of us will be reluctant to