Relationship travel truth tips
It is often said that you learn the most about your partner while travelling together.
Whether you’re in a new relationship or you’re trying to re-ignite the spark, Travelocity.ca and relationship therapist Ashley Howe share how you can learn more about your partner through travel. No matter what the stage of your relationship, a vacation with your partner might be just what the doctor ordered.
Get Your Engine Revving Early
Did you know you can start the positive effects of travelling with your partner early? Why not make an experience of booking your vacation? Set up a romantic scene with your partner and go to a great website like Travelocity.ca to browse vacation options and get each other excited about the trip. Not only will it increase anticipation for the vacation, but you may already start learning more about your partner by the type of trip they select.
Don't Forget To Pack Your Sexiest Swimsuit
If there has been a lack of sex in the relationship, there is no better remedy than a vacation. In fact, in a recent survey of Canadians by Travelocity.ca, it was revealed that 63 per cent of Canadians had an increase in their sex drive while on vacation and found their inhibitions were lowered. When you travel with a significant other, it has been found that many of the endorphins released when initially falling in love resurface and are mimicked, leading to an exciting “travel high”.
Try Something New
Besides the sense of indulgence that accompanies a vacation, the unfamiliarity of your surroundings may lead to more reliance on your partner. TheTravelocity.ca survey found that taking a trip with a partner increases the likelihood of trying new things. Though that zip line might be nerve-wracking and that new cuisine may be questionable, why not try tackling it together? This shared experience might ultimately bring you closer together.
Vacate your daily lives
If daily responsibilities and commitments are taking a toll, “vacate” your lives by unplugging yourselves from your usual surroundings and distractions. Leave the cell phones at home and hit up a remote destination where you can focus solely on each other. If far away travel isn’t in the cards, a quick hotel getaway will help you create island even if you can’t visit one.
Pick Your Destination Wisely
Not every destination is destined for relationship travel. In the recent Travelocity.ca survey, Rome was chosen as Canadians’ top destination when travelling with their partner followed by New York, Cancun and Las Vegas. Here are some of my destination suggestions for travelling with someone special:
Ashley’s Suggested Travel Destinations
- Just starting out?– Opt for a quick getaway to Las Vegas. The bright lights of the strip will reveal any secrets your new partner might be hiding.
- Are you in it for the long haul? – Test the limits of your relationship with some quality one on one time in Paris. The City of Love will surely reveal your true feelings
- Need to re-ignite the flame? – Cuddle up with a cozy blanket under a million stars on an Alaskan cruise. The spectacular scenery, abundant wildlife and crisp white glaciers are the perfect setting for heating up a chilled romance
Visit www.travelocity.ca/ashleyhowe for more information and relationship travel destinations.