Nature lover in high heals
Is my Squeaky turning into a DIVA? My child loves, high heels, jewellery, make-up, princesses and anything that is sparkly. She likes to listen to JLO in the car, get Starbucks, her nails painted, should I be worried?
I feel like the more I say “No” to wearing my high heels, and requests to wear a little make-up, I am dampening who she is as a person. Squeak enjoys girly things and there is nothing wrong with it. She is naturally curious about being older, she likes to dress up and pretend play. She also really likes to see me in dresses and high heels and requests it a lot.
As much as I would love to wear high heels and dress and lots of make-up, I don’t – I like to think of myself as a naturalist. Doesn’t mean I don’t like it, just means I know what I am comfortable wearing and feel that dressing up, just isn’t who I am.
Deep down inside, I know who Squeak is. She loves to pick up snakes, hug dogs, roll in the mud, hates brushing her hair, loves catching bugs, frogs and toads. And I think she would be most comfortable doing all of this wearing her fanciest dress, high heels, big tacky jewelry, red lipstick, drinking a green tea latte, and listening to JLO.
That is what I love so much about her. She is not a girly, girl in any sense of the word except that she loves everything girly.
I explain every time she wants to dress up and wear make-up that what makes a person beautiful is their personality and that she doesn’t need those things to make her beautiful. It just goes in one ear and out the other. She likes to dress up. But I still say she is intelligent, kin, and very independent and that is what is beautiful.
Shari Nelson is a former advertising sales rep at City Parent and a contributor to the magazine’s social media, including Facebook and Twitter. She has a background in Early Child Care Education, a 4-year-old daughter, a 9-year-old dog and a very handy, talented husband