Give tap water a try. Filter it, refrigerate it, put it in a cool bottle of your choice and drink it. It’s virtually free compared with the water that’s bottled and marketed as a superior product, when in fact it is not.
Saturday, March 22 is Bottle Water Free Day and the Hamilton Museum of Steam & Technology in partnership with the Water & Waste Water Division of the City Of Hamilton is inviting the public commit to eliminating needless waste by signing a pledge to use reusable water bottles. If you sign up at the Museum of Steam & Technology you’ll receive a free reusable water bottle and free admission to the museum.
In celebration of clean drinking water, the museum will also offer a free screening of the Gemini-nominated documentary “Water on the Table”, by director Liz Marshall. The film will start at 12:30 p.m., followed by free tours of the historic waterworks and the modern water treatment plant starting at 1 p.m. and 1:45 p.m.
Bottled Water Free Day encourages communities across Canada and the world to mobilize to ban the plastic bottle and reclaim public water.
For more information, visit www.hamilton.ca/museums, email steammuseum@hamilton.ca or call 905-546-4797.
Let’s talk tap water
• Use a wide-mouth bottle that is dishwasher safe to make drinking from a reusable bottle convenient.
• Stop lugging cases of water home from the store. Check your tap. You’ve got lots.
• The manufacture, transportation and disposal of water bottles are a waste of resources.
• The manufacturers and marketers of bottled water are the only beneficiaries. Think about it…20 years ago, you would have thought buying water to drink was ridiculous.
• It’s a fact that tap water is safer to drink than bottled water, thanks to rigorous testing and government regulations.
• If the taste is turning you off, invest in a container with a filter system or simply chill water in a glass pitcher in the fridge. Overnight the chlorine will dissipate and the water will taste much better than straight from the tap.