Mother’s Day Mumsy Mess Style
To me Mother's Day is everyday, I am really lucky because Squeak is very thoughtful, she is constantly thinking of me. "Mommy I found this beautiful rock for you" handing me a rock full of soil. " Mommy, don't throw that stick out of the car, I found it for you in the park today". These are the gifts that I cherish, they are from her heart and she has thought of me to give it to, which is so sweet.
Today I was thinking about these gifts that I get on a regular basis, and thought to myself, I think every Mother loves these gifts. They just melt your heart in more ways than you can imagine.
A special Mother's Day gift is about the thought, and the process not about the finished product. It's about the special dirty rocks, coiled up dandy lions, and random sticks (I have way too many to count.) I am blessed because my Squeak thought of me to give these special gifts of nature to and I am thankful.
To all the Mother's out there or soon to be mom's I am wishing you the best Mother's Day!
Special craft ideas that you can do at home for Grandmother's, Mother's and Aunts-
Canvas- from the dollar store
Paint Brushes
Let your children create anything they want.
Shari Nelson is an advertising sales rep at City Parent and a contributor to the magazine's social media, including Facebook and Twitter. She has a background in Early Child Care Education, a 3-year-old daughter, a 7-year-old dog, a fish and a hamster. She aspires to own chickens and goat – maybe a farm one day, a dream she shares with her amazing and talented husband.