Why mom friends are an important part of motherhood
Have you ever had one of those days where you feel so frustrated and overwhelmed that you’re constantly on the verge of tears? Perhaps you had a diaper explosion while shopping for groceries and forget the diaper bag. Maybe you were told you are the worst mommy ever as you rushed the kids out the door to catch the school bus. Or perhaps the kids arguing and bickering has finally pushed you over the edge.
When time is limit, patience runs thin and exhaustion is imminent, who do you turn to when you’ve had one of THOSE days? While your spouse may be understanding and sympathetic, he may not truly understand your motherly woes. So who do you call, text, or go out for coffee with? Why your mom friend of course.
Why mom friends are so therapeutic?
No one else is more qualified and understanding than a friend, who happens to be a mom herself. After all, they’ve gone through or are going through the same things that you are. When you need advice or reassurance that you’re a great mom and you’re doing the best that you can, a mom friend can help you find composure and confidence, especially on those days when you feel completely overwhelmed.
Why is a good mom friend so therapeutic? It’s simple – she gets it. Not only can she reinforce that you’re not alone, she can also offer valuable advice and she can listen with a perfect understanding that only comes from being a mom herself.
Whether you’re chatting as the kids play at the park, sweating together at a spin class or out for a girls’ night, mom friends are an important part of surviving the journey through motherhood.
Where to find mommy friends?
As you get older, it can become more challenging to find and make friends. It’s probably not like it was when you were a kid or teenager. Life was so much simpler and filled with youthful exploration. Most friends were easily made at school, at the park or for the simple reason that you lived on the same street. As you age, priorities often change, tolerances lessens and how friends are made changes as well. In fact, people often become pickier with whom they spend their precious time with when it becomes such a rare commodity. And sometimes, keeping long standing friendships can become a struggle – especially if you and your childhood friend are at different stages in life.
It may feel like a challenge to find a new kindred spirit, but like minded individuals have a way of finding each other. The potential of meeting a new mom friend may be right around the corner – whether you’re at the park, going for a walk in your neighbourhood, or picking your kids up from school. You just need to open yourself up to the possibilities of meeting someone new and engaging with them. Besides, if you both already know you have kids, you already have something in common!