Talking about cancer
It has been a while since I have written a blog post. I have had a lot going on. A part of my world in the last couple of months had come crashing down. It started when I received the news that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was devastated. I couldn’t really write anything, I felt helpless and sad. Cancer is that word that makes me so mad. My mom is my world, my best friend and confidant. She is someone I rely on and look to for advice, or a shoulder to cry on and even just a big hug when I need it. So when I heard the news, all I wanted was for her to get better.
After several weeks, ultra sounds, appointments, MRI’s, surgery and now to recovery, things are looking up. She had her follow-up appointment and got some really great news that they got all the cancer. Now she is focusing on her recovery and health.
I found some of this experience really hard to talk to Squeak about because she is so little and doesn’t really understand when a person is sick. I really didn’t want her to worry, but I felt that she had the right to know what was going on in the family.
I sat her down and talked about Nana being sick and having to go for surgery that I was going to be with Nana and then I would take her visit Nana so that she could see her Nana. Squeak really did try to understand and knew the events that were taking place and when she saw my mom after her surgery she was really gentle and sweet. I am glad that I told Squeak what was going on with mom as I believe it really helped her understand to the best of her ability.
For more information about talking to children about cancer http://www.cancer.net/coping/relationships-and-cancer/talking-about-cancer/talking-your-children
Shari Nelson is an advertising sales rep at City Parent and a contributor to the magazine’s social media, including Facebook and Twitter. She has a background in Early Child Care Education, a 3-year-old daughter, a 9-year-old dog, and a hamster. She aspires to own chickens and a goat – maybe a farm one day, a dream she shares with her amazing and talented husband.