How to tell whether you should keep your kids home from school
Once kids enter elementary school, it’s encouraged that they learn to share. Whether it be sharing toys, markers or balls during recess, it’s a valuable skill that touches all aspects of their lives, but as a parent, there is one thing I wish they didn’t share – GERMS. It’s inevitable that once one child is sick in class, they pass it on to everyone else in their class.
It seems every few weeks, there is a new bug, flu or virus running rampant through the school and eventually it comes home to be shared with the family. Most parents can tell when their child is starting to come down with something – appetite wans, irritability and whining increases, and energy levels plummet. Then comes the restless night spent tossing and turning. Armed with tissues, pain and fever medication, a cool damp cloth, and anything else you may have in your Mommy tool belt, you try and sooth your inconsolable child.
Needless to say, these nights often lead to mornings where you are both exhausted and trying to determine if your child is feeling well enough to go to school or whether they’re over the worst of it and will soon be their energetic and happy self again.
My son recently had one of these nights. He was dragging something around for a week and eventually he succumbed to the illness. He only had a slight fever and was coughing when he woke up and he hadn’t slept much so I decided to keep him at home. There aren’t any strict guidelines about when to keep your child at home, but there are some symptoms that should indicate a sick day. The obvious ones are fever, rash, constant coughing, tummy troubles especially if accompanied with vomiting and diarrhea, and non-stop runny nose. And of course, like any well-taught child, he did share with the family!