Healthy breakfast for kids
I serve what my husband calls “epic breakfasts” every day. Sometimes I have a hard time waking up in the morning but I get motivated pretty fast when it comes to breakfast. I want to know that I am sending Squeak to school with something substantial in her belly, not something that is going to make her feel, tired, and hangry (hungry and grumpy) which is not good for her teachers and her as well.
I usually choose a smoothie with blue berries, almond beverage, Greek yogurt, spinach, and a frozen banana. I also read somewhere that eggs are one of the best sources protein. She usually asks for a “dip it” egg and whole grain toast. I really like to promote “healthy eating” with Squeak so we went to Summer Homestead Farms (my cousin’s farm) and Squeak got to pick her own eggs to have for breakfast the first week of school. She got to see where the eggs come from and appreciated her breakfast so much more.
My philosophy – Do you drive your car without gas? No! So why do people choose not fuel their bodies in the morning? Why not treat your body like a temple and eat something that is going to keep you full, and give you some great energy?
That is why I hate those commercials about cereal bars full of high fructose sugar that promote to parents that these are “healthy choices” for our kids for breakfast. No not one bit. Kids need a healthy breakfast full of high fibre, protein and something that will give them energy and not raise their glucose index.
Just a few months ago I found report cards of mine from when I was in elementary school and in all of them from Grades 1-6, my teachers reported that I was tired. I think one of the reasons was because I ate a lot of sugary cereal. I liked it, cereal is fast and easy and that is all I knew. I know better now, and I want to educate friends and family members about healthier choices, especially in the morning.
Great link to egg recipes