Five ways to better communicate with your child
How many of us have set goals for ourselves as parents that all too quickly are forgotten or put aside the first time something doesn’t work out as planned? The following set of principles will help you achieve your goals
Student recognized for eco-efforts
The best green ideas sprout from some of our youngest minds. This is why Sunlight Green Clean Kids has recognized the initiatives of 12-year-old Dilshan from Mississauga and children from across the country with Green Grants, which allow
Dad’s Count 2010 Conference June 12
With Father's Day just around the corner, get ready for Dads Count 2010 Conference on June 12. Come out and join the party where fathers of all ages get together to discuss, teach and learn the latest techniques when it
Party at the Aldershot escarpment garden
Royal Botanical Gardens is getting ready to unveil its newest gem, the Aldershot Escarpment Garden, and wants the public to join in on the fun. The cost-free family centred event kicks off at 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 30 and
Communication Tips
Parents ask me, “Is it OK for me to lie occasionally to my children?” And my rhetorical question back is, “What message do you want to teach your children?” It’s a huge responsibility to be a parent and realize that
No matter the economic climate, it makes sense to save
It’s official. Happier moms make better parents. Scientists at the University of Bristol and the University of Warwick in the UK analyzed data from questionnaires filled out by 11,300 parents when their babies were eight months of age
Consider age when disciplining children
Children need a certain level of discipline. But what is the best method of teaching them right from wrong? Depending on your child's age, there are some strategies you can employ.
Coping with body image issues
Marci Warhaft-Nadler, a mother of two children, is keen on helping kids with body image issues. She wants kids to reconsider thinking about wanting to be perfect. Warhaft struggled with her own body image when growing up, so she understa
Introducing exotic flavours
Picky eaters come in every shape, size and age. Parents lament how hard it is to get little ones to eat outside of their comfort zones. Indian food experts, cooking school instructors, authors and spice gurus Preena Chauhan and her
Art programs are more than just fun
An education in the arts is essential. It gives us the tools we need to become fluent in our ability
Mindset of Success
Have you ever found yourself taking time out of your busy schedule to help your child with homework only to find he or she simply won’t pay attention? Their focus seems to be on everything except what it
Origins of the prom
High school seniors are getting ready to don their evening attire, climb into stretch limousines and head to gymnasiums across the country, which have been magically transformed into classy reception sites thanks to crepe paper and mood
Comic Vision raises money for blind foundation
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic eye disease that affects the retina and causes a gradual permanent loss of vision. Gavin Morrison, 17, of Oakville, Ont. was diagnosed with RP when he was a young child. His mother Ann and
On the book shelf
The Touch the Art Series: Tickle Tut’s and Catch Picasso’s Rooster!
By Julie Appel and Amy Guglielmo
Jump inside famous paintings with Touch the Art, a creative way to touch and feel history and culture. Are you bra
Planning for your baby’s future
Canadians have opportunities to save for their children’s education, but they just aren’t taking advantage of available programs. Only 39 per cent of those eligible for the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) take advantage of the
How to choose a riding camp
The best thing my parents ever did for me was to send me to horseback riding camp. Maybe it was to get me out of their hair over the summer months, but it piqued my interest and has lead to
Bridging the “teen” gap
I was speaking at a parenting conference this past month and teaching simple ideas to help bridge the gap for parents, tweens and teens. So much about communication is simply habits and skills. So how would you evaluate your communicatio
Tips for dealing with defiant children
There can be nothing more aggravating than a defiant child. However, when a child is seeking to gain power or control over a situation, arguing with him usually only escalates the tension. This also often leads to things being said
The Last Word on Bullying
Many people have attempted to teach children how to handle bullying. Some say not to be a bystander and some simply say to tell a trusted adult. These messages are good but they are incomplete. These messages alone will not
Get Ready For Camp
Parents intending to send their kids to camp sometimes have difficulty accepting the idea that a teenager can fulfill the role of leader, teacher or surrogate parent