Harbourfront Centre festival welcomes spring
Harbourfront Centre’s inaugural Spring Fling festival presents eight new interactive programs (Easter weekend, April 18 to 20) including music, dance and hands-on activities.
What’s in it?
It's become something of a sport with my kids to find the food with the most sugar, salt, and calories and buy it with their allowance.
Building connections
Playing organized sports means enduring all manner of silliness that should have little or nothing to do with playing hard, winning with grace, and losing with dignity.
How times have changed toys marketed to girls
Toys designed for girls have morphed drastically. The trend in feminizing and sexualizing toys and brands is very apparent.
Spilling Milk
Focus on the things that matter and let spilled milk go, no matter how many times it needs to be cleaned up.
Crazy healthy
I have been going “good crazy” this month with juicing and smoothie recipes and working out.
Make your own sugar ice
To decorate a Frozen inspired cake, try my tried and true recipe for sugar glass.
Birthday time
A birthday is a time for more than just presents and cake, it's also a time for reflection and maturing.
Saying goodbye is never easy
I’ve lost a woman who enriched my life with so much love, humour and a passion for all things living.
New online tool supports co-parenting
Coparentplanner is an online scheduling tool for parents who share custody of their children.
Learning at the individual level
Sometimes kids just need a little extra help. And frankly that is okay. All Children learn in various ways, and have different learning styles.
Saturday, March 22 is Bottle Water Free Day and it's also get something for free day at the Hamilton Museum of Steam & Technology.
Making an open home
We make room for other people in our lives so that we can be whole people ourselves.
Never too soon to start building a resume
St. John Ambulance is offering babysitting courses during March Break. Check out programs in your area at www.sja.ca.