Use instant rice for quick and creative meals
Fast food is healthy when it means food that is prepared quickly at home from natural ingredients.
Kid and parent approved carrot cake
This kid and parent approved carrot cake is packed full of carrots and spices.
How to cover a cake with fondant
It may look complicated and impossible to do, but covering a cake with fondant is quite simple.
Communal meals
Although I'm not aware of any research on the subject, my personal observation has been that sitting down with other people and spending time with them over the intimacy of a meal is a really beneficial experience for my kids.
Involve your kids in the kitchen
I’ve discovered that if I get the kids involved in the planning, prepping, and cooking stages, they are far more likely to eat their dinner.
Baked pumpkin custard
Tis the season for all things pumpkin – cookies, pies, muffins, soup, scones, loafs, ice cream.
The dreaded back-to-school lunch
There may be butterflies in the stomach of kids returning to school but what is going to fill their stomach at lunch time?
Make your own sugar ice
To decorate a Frozen inspired cake, try my tried and true recipe for sugar glass.
Make a messy gingerbread house from scratch
Icing is a novice gingerbread house baker's best friend.
Cookbook makes it easy to share with moms in need
Download a free celebrity recipe book; for every book downloaded Tilda will donate a meal to a mom in Bangladesh.
Hippity hoppity Easter cupcakes
With fondant ears and teeth, jelly bean nose, mini M&M eyes, licorice whiskers, and coconut fur, these hippity hoppity Easter bunny cupcakes are adorable, delicious, and kid friendly to assemble.
Simmer down, let kids cook
Not knowing what’s for dinner combined with having little time to plan meals, shop for ingredients and throw them together, is a recipe for disastrous mealtimes.
No more food fights
Easy, child-pleasing meals and snacks with proven success from a child care centre director and experience toddler mom.
Healthy Eating
Food intolerance is known as a “hidden” condition for a reason. Causes are often difficult to pinpoint, especially when treating children
Five feeding facts
Whether it’s advice from your best friend or words of wisdom from your mother-in-law, you may be bombarded with nutrition tips for your child
Set the example of a healthy eating style
Good eating habits that start in childhood can carry on throughout life. When children are young, teach them the importance of eating balanced meals, choosing nutritious foods and staying physically active. This can help them achieve a p