Adoption stories
If fostering or adopting are commitments that you can make, however, it will change you as much as the children who come into your home
Birthday time
A birthday is a time for more than just presents and cake, it's also a time for reflection and maturing.
Furry responsibilities
The kids have learnt so much already from sharing their lives with our furry companions, but it hasn’t all been happy.
Why families need community
Not only does it take a community to raise a child, but it takes a community to make strong families that can survive a failed marriage or a lost job,
Bunking up: Strategies for shared-room success
Shared bedrooms are the norm throughout much of the world, and a trend toward smaller homes is making shared bedrooms a reality for American families.
Redefining family
The definition of family is not with the nuclear family, not even with the biological family. It spills into all those who are willing to be family to each other.
Dates with dad: 5 ways to reconnect with your daughter
One of the best ways to begin to reconnect with your daughter is to spend time with her. Find time once a week to do something with your daughter. Here are some ideas to get you started.
And Tango Makes Three
Just a couple of months ago when someone asked Squeak a question about her uncle’s relationship status she replied, “they're brothers”. Her uncles thought that was hilarious.
Communication Tips
Parents ask me, “Is it OK for me to lie occasionally to my children?” And my rhetorical question back is, “What message do you want to teach your children?” It’s a huge responsibility to be a parent and realize that
The Last Word on Bullying
Many people have attempted to teach children how to handle bullying. Some say not to be a bystander and some simply say to tell a trusted adult. These messages are good but they are incomplete. These messages alone will not
Open Communication
Many parents ask, “How should I talk to my teens about sex?” or “What should I say about skipping” or “I think my teens’ friends are doing drugs. Should I address this with my teen directly?” If parents do not
Where to start for fostering a child
The Children’s Aid Society (CAS) is always looking for foster parents – people who have been blessed with good fortune and are now in a position to give back for the sake of the greater good. Fostering is temporary care
Help siblings welcome your new baby
Parents can learn strategies on how to introduce and prepare their older children for the addition of a new baby. It’s not uncommon for youngsters to feel threatened by the arrival of a new sibling. A child may question whether
Big happy familiy
If you’ve been to a wedding where a relative has set a napkin on fire, or are so desperate for an excuse to leave an awkward family gathering that you’ve actually told people you had to head off for a
Call on the kids for spring cleaning
When it comes to spring cleaning, people tend to fall into one of two camps: those who are genuinely enthusiastic about clearing away a wi
Have the money talk with your children
"The money talk." It may be one of the most important conversations you ever have with
your children, but many families aren't sure how to approach the subject and what precisely they should be discussing. Here’s how to s
Family Day Traditions
With this being only the second annual Family Day on Monday, February 16, it’s not likely that your family has established any hard and fast traditions yet.