For The Birds
If you have a backyard birdfeeder, you could turn it into a science project for your family. Volunteers involved in Project Feederwatch collect bird data to help scientist detect and understand population trends. Once a week participants count the birds at their feeders and send their data to Bird Studies Canada (BSC). In Canada, participants in Project FeederWatch are asked to become members of BSC, a national, non-profit institute dedicated to bird research and conservation. For an annual $35 membership fee, participants receive the FeederWatch instruction booklet, resource manual, data forms, a calendar, a poster of common feeder birds, and subscription to BirdWatch Canada. Members can also participate in other BSC programs, including the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey and the Christmas Bird Count. Fill out the form at http://www.bsc-eoc.org/volunteer/pfw/; email pfw@bsc-eoc.org; or call Bird Studies Canada toll-free at 1-888-448-2473