Kick junk food habits
Question: Now that the New Year has arrived, I started making a New Year resolution list for our family. At the top of my list was around eating junk food. My son is only 10-years old but he is already overweight. He just keeps eating junk food. I tell him to stop but then I see him later eating in secret. What should I do?
Answer: Most of us are quite aware that obesity has become a major problem among children today. Although we cannot always control what our children eat when they are away from home, it’s extremely important that parents set appropriate boundaries around food in the home, where it can be controlled. When children become over-weight or obese, it is not only a physical concern but it can have serious emotional consequences as well. Many youth I’ve coached who struggle with their weight suffer from lower self-esteem, peer teasing or friendship problems. As a parent, you need to equip your child and help him strive towards healthy eating habits. Here are a few tips: First, make sure you model healthy eating yourself. You can’t preach what you yourself are not living and most children are very quick to pick up on this. Second, limit the amount of junk food in your home or, better yet, get rid of it all. You can’t eat what isn’t there and setting this simple boundary will be extremely helpful for children and adults who lack self-discipline. Third, get moving. Join a fitness club together. Take a nutrition class. Limit TV watching. By setting other small boundaries within your home, you are encouraging your child towards healthier choices and they will thank you in the long run.
* Dr. Karyn is a youth expert, parent/teen coach, motivational speaker and author.