Loving the parade
For many families, taking in the local Santa Claus parade kicks off the holiday season. Christmas wish lists are handed to postal workers, in many locations, donations to local food banks are collected as well and the cast of parading characters hand out goodies to the crowds.
Here is a list of some of the parades to check out in and around the Greater Toronto Area in the next few weeks. Dress warm, bring a blanket and some snacks and welcome Santa to town.
Santa makes his annual trip to Oakville on Saturday, Nov. 16 getting an early start at 9 a.m. There’s a toys collection for families in need. (www.oakvillesantaclausparade.ca) Santa is off to Newmarket at 11 a.m. the same day with a downtown route. Contact 905-895-5193 or www.newmarket.ca to confirm and for details. He’s got Niagara Falls on his list too with an 11 a.m. start (www.niagarafalls.ca). Hamilton Santa Claus Parade marches into downtown on Saturday, Nov.16 beginning at 2 p.m (www.hamiltonsantaparade.com). The Heritage Parade of Lights begins at 6 p.m. at Milton’s Heritage Country Park the same day and features vintage tractors and machinery decorated with festive lights (www.countryheritagepark)..
The biggest parade of them all rolls into Toronto on Sunday, November 17 at 12:30 p.m. with more than 1700 participants. (www.thesantaclausparade.com) Santa comes to Milton later that day with his parade starting at 2 p.m. (www.miltonsantaclausparade.ca)
Santa’s parade begins at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday Nov. 24 inSt. Catharines (www.stcatharines.ca).
The Burlington Christmas Paradeis on Sunday, Dec. 1 with a start time of 2 p.m. departing from Burlington Mall and traveling along New Street to downtown.
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