Family Day Traditions
With this being only the second annual Family Day on Monday, February 16, it’s not likely that your family has established any hard and fast traditions yet.
It’s a celebration still in its infancy although one with a pretty clear mandate. Family Day is supposed to be a day spent with family. So, in Ontario, we are establishing a tradition that breaks up the bleakness of February and encourages us to focus our family.
Family-oriented venues did not have much time to react the provincial government’s declaration of the first Family Day but many have seized the day this time around. Our calendar section features a fair assortment of Family Day activities and the attractions listed might not have specific programs but cater to families every day. Your Family Day tradition might be to explore something new each year, that way your experience can grow along with your children. What interests them in 2009 might not appeal in 2014.
A special family outing is something that many families will be organizing. Others will choose to stay home and for that crowd, take a lesson from Earth Hour, that day in April when participants powered down their homes and entertained themselves by candlelight for an hour or so.
Unplugging would certainly make the day memorable but so would having a Wii marathon or family Guitar Hero challenge.
Most special occasions are marked by a family meal and that just seems a natural for Family Day. And because it’s Family Day, the whole family should get involved in planning and preparing the meal. Make it fun, memorable and you’ll have established at least one tradition that can be carried on. It’s a great way to celebrate this holiday that requires no greeting cards or gifts, just our time spent together.