Valentine’s Day romance for couples with kids
(MS) Most couples will tell you that having children is a blessing. Children expand the family and open up the household to joy and laughter. Children do require a lot of time and attention, though, which can sometimes get in the way of quiet time and intimacy for a couple.
Valentine's Day is a chance for couples with children to set aside special time for each other, which is easier said than done many times with children in the household. However, it's possible to have a romantic time with a partner — it just may require a little ingenuity and advanced planning.
Secure babysitting: Valentine's Day is a popular night for dining out or taking in a romantic flick. Needless to say, neighborhood babysitters could book up fast. If you're planning an outing with your special someone, save the date with a babysitter at least a month in advance. If you have friends or family members who have promised babysitting in the past, now is the time to cash in those offers. Babysitting offers the best chance of alone time as a couple, because you know you won't be disturbed.
Hide love notes: When it's impossible to get away, you can make Valentine's Day special by hiding love notes in places your partner is sure to discover them. Try the medicine cabinet, inside of shoes worn for work, nestled in the cereal box, or by the coffee maker. Many couples don't express their love and affection on a daily basis. Short phrases of love — not poetry masterpieces — can mean a lot and go a long way to brightening someone's day.
The way to the heart is through the stomach … : We can say much about the way we feel through the foods we create and share. On Valentine's Day, go the extra mile to treat that special someone to the foods that are his or her favorite. If you're not a master chef, it's okay to order prepared meals. After all, it's the thought that counts. The children can help prepare special treats, such as cookies or cakes with a heart or love theme.
Spend the day in bed: Just because you have children doesn't mean you can't lock the door and spend the majority of the day in bed (provided there isn't an infant or young child who needs supervision). Get dressed in comfy clothes, such as sweat pants or flannel pajamas. Watch romantic or comedy flicks and enjoy finger foods while you snuggle beneath the sheets. You can also choose to make the movie-fest a family affair and have the kids pile on the bed as well. After all, with families' busy schedules these days, Valentine's Day can be a way for everyone to spend the day together instead of running here and there.
Have the children pamper you: Older children can give their parents the day off and some time together. They may treat you to meals or snacks, or simply give the gift of making themselves scarce for most of the day. You may also want to create a tradition with friends who have kids that each year you swap out who watches all of the children. Perhaps this year is yours for alone time and next year will be your friends'.