What’s under the covers this month
Whose Poo?
By Daisy Bird
If your kids are anything like my kids, then this book will be a great hit. Whose Poo will make you laugh along with your child. Big Daddy Mouse wants to take his two little mouses to the zoo under the condition they don’t talk about poo, however that doesn’t happen. The day is filled with the big question on all the different kinds of poo from the time they leave the house right to the end of their journey at the zoo. Ages – 3-7 Publisher – Penguin Random House – Tundra Books Pgs. – 48 Price: $21.99 CDN
Gwendolyn’s Pet Garden
By Anne Renaud
Gwendolyn has been pleading with her parents for a pet, it doesn’t matter what kind of pet as long as it’s a pet she can care for. Her parents finally give in, however, it’s not a pet for her to care, it’s a box of dirt. She’s not sure what to do with the smelly dirt with dead bugs and an odd kind of root. Then she has an idea which leads her to learn all about gardening. A great book for learning, caring for something other than a pet and the ability to create something beautiful to feel proud of. Ages – 4-8 Publisher – Penguin Random House Canada Pgs. – 32 Price: $23.99 CDN
Stick to Your Vision: Young Maestro Goes to School
By Wes “Maestro” Williams and Rhodora Meliton-Vanderpool
Known as the grandfather to Hip Hop Wes “Maestro” Williams shares with his young readers an inspired journey of a young boy’s vision and how he worked hard to pursue his passion. The importance of good teachers who encourage and mentor to make you believe in yourself. Family support and perseverance no matter the obstacles thrown at you. A book to inspire everyone at any age. Ages – 7+ visit youngmaestro.ca Pages 40 Price: $19.89 CDN
Butterflies Are Pretty Gross
By Rosemary Mosco
Who has always believed that butterflies are beautiful? I know I do. A great way to learn interesting facts twined with a story on how gross butterflies really are until they become and even then, beautiful butterfly wishes. Ages – 4-8 Publisher – Penguin Random House Tundra Books Pgs. – 36 Price: $21.99 CDN HC
Mr. Mole Moves In
By Lesley-Anne Green
Mr. Mole moves into a new neighbourhood called Juniper Hollow. As he meets his neighbours, they see odd behaviours. At first, they believe it’s how Moles behave from Mole Town. Read and follow Mr. Mole and his peculiar behavior and learn the reason why. A funny silly little story with pictures created by Felt Art Ages – 3-7 Publisher – Penguin Random House Tundra Books Pgs. – 32 Price: $21.99 CDN HC.
Mega Bat and the Not-Happy Birthday
By Anna Humphrey
Book 4 in the Mega Bat Series. This time it’s his best friend Daniel’s birthday. Daniel isn’t as excited about his birthday due to his new glasses which Mega Bat calls “face windows”. Mega Bat is at it again with his humorous words and shenanigans. With best intentions that never go right, Mega Bat shows emotions and processes them as if he were human. A great book for a young reader to learn and enjoy reading. Ages – 7-10 Publisher – Penguin Canada Tundra Books Pgs. – 176 Price: $15.99
Tough Like Mom
By Lana Button
This is the heartwarming story of the struggle of a single mom and her daughter, Kim. Tough like mom shows the strength of survival to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. Kim and her mom lookout for each other. They don’t hide who they are and sometimes being tough means asking for help, but neither one forgets to laugh. Ages – 3-7 Publisher – Penguin Random House Tundra Books Pgs. – 32 Price: $21.99 CDN HC