Parenting Hacks – The Simplest Baby Book in the World
WORDS BY Marylene Vestergom
So, you’re having a baby? Just hearing the news may bring on a case of a panic attack. Or maybe you’re going to your tenth baby shower, and friends and family are just too eager to offer parenting advice. Or perhaps you’re overwhelmed by the self-help books, which may not be easy to understand. After all, you just want the facts, and if someone can give you the crib notes in bullet points – perfect. And if it includes pictures and illustrations, now you’re talking.
Well, author Stephen Gross felt the same way. “As a new dad, I didn’t know much about raising kids and didn’t have a strong support group. I found the information out there – books, websites, blogs, videos, etc. – all too dense, overwhelming, and not simple enough for today’s needs.”
So Gross, along with a host of experts including moms, dads, nurses, doctors, nannies and The Simplest Baby community – researched and curated the best and the most essential tips and wisdom into The Simplest Baby Book in the World.
Your grandmother may have had Dr. Spock, your mother may have sworn by the What to Expect series, but now YOU have your very own illustrated book, written like a Tweet or an Instagrammable post – the perfect “grab-and-do” guide with all the homework done for you – distilled into the essentials.
“Being a gay parent gives me a unique perspective on parenting, and it ultimately brought me to question many of the assumptions and expectations that exist in many traditional families that can adversely impact women,” says Gross.
So, in case you think this book is only for moms, Gross ensured that dads could find simple solutions and clever workarounds for everyday baby issues by highlighting them with a Daddy Hack symbol.
For instance, if sweet dreams are an issue for you and your baby, an inexpensive way to create a white-noise device is by recording a vacuum, TV or radio static, or a washing machine on your phone. You can also use one of the various music apps to find white noise.
As for tips partners can implement to make life easier, Gross suggests:
1. Know that there is no such thing as a perfect parent
2. Understand that breastfeeding is not for everyone
3. Share parenting responsibility and work
4. Lose the fear and ask for help
5. Stop the guilt and stop trying to live up to expectations.
No matter what stage you’re at in the parenting cycle, you’ll find The Simplest Baby Book in the World will answer your questions and provide solutions.
This “grab-and-do” guide will be at your side every step of the way – whether you want to know what foods can be choking hazards or want an infographic illustrating how to child-proof each room of your house.
So, next time you’re invited to a baby shower, or you overhear your friends offering parenting tips to a parent-to-be, give them a copy of The Simplest Baby Book in the World and quote the words of author Stephen Gross, “Don’t Panic – You Got This.”
Connect with Stephen Gross on: simplestbaby.com Facebook: @SimplestBaby Instagram: @thesimplestbaby