On the bookshelf, selections for fall and Halloween
Up the Creek
By Nicholas Oldland
Three pals, the bear, the moose and the beaver need to navigate their relationship to overcome the challenge of a wild canoe ride. The finally agree on a plan and smooth the rough waters. This author/illustrator has a history of creating wonderful picture books and he’s done it again. Ages 3 to 7 – Publisher Kids Can Press –$16.95 hardcover
Run Home, Little Mouse
By Britta Teckentrup
Alone in the dark wood, Little Mouse encounters some scary things on the way home. The bright eyes provide the clues in the peek-a-boo board book and the picture on the following page provides the answers. This is the perfect read-aloud story for fall as Halloween approaches.
Ages 2 to 5 – Publisher Kids Can Press – 15.99 board book
Room on the Boom
By Julia Donaldson,
A huge hit with kids ages 4 to 8, “Room on the Broom” launched in 2001 and was an instant classic; it is a tale of imagination, flight, friendship and true adventure, featuring a kind witch who invites a surprising collection of animals to join her on her broom. “Room on the Broom” topped the children’s picture book charts for six successive weeks starting in September 2012 and is available at all major retailers.
Ages 4 to 8 – Publisher Dial Books for Young Readers (Penguin) – $16.99 US hardcover
Scaredy Squirrel Prepares for Halloween
By Melanie Watt
Subtitled, A Safety Guide for Scardies, this edition of the Scaredy Squirrel series is centred around the scariest time of year. Scaredy shares all of his tips and strategies with readers, including what makes apples such dangerous fruits and how to tour a haunted house as well as some really cute costume ideas. It’s a real Halloween treat. Ages 4 to 8 – Publisher Kids Can Press – $18.95 hardcover
Black and Bittern was Night
By Robert Heidbreder, Illustrator John Martz
The author has taken liberties with the style of Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky in writing this Halloween tale in nonsense verse. Not an easy read but worth the effort to make the twisted language sing. Mostly midnight blue with white, gold and orange, the digital cartoons that illustrate the scare-fest ground the sophisticated text. The pictures will help keep a four-year-old engaged. Ages 4 to 8 – Publisher Kids Can Press – $18.95 hardcover
Ten Birds Meet a Monster
By CybèleYoung
A companion to her Governor General's Award winning Ten Birds, author and illustrator Cybèle Young has created a counting book like no other, set in a surreal world that’s swirling with childlike charm. Not only an inventive take on teaching 1, 2, 3’s, the book playfully debunks monsters. It would make a wonderful addition to the bookshelf or coffee table. All ages – Publisher Kids Can Press – $18.95 hardcover
Sophie’s Squash
By Pat Zietlow Miller, Illustrator Anne Wilsdorf
Parents want kids to love vegetables, in this story, Sophie takes that love beyond the dinner table. Her squash gets a name – Bernice – and the status of favourite toy and companion. When Bernice gets squishy, she’s treated to a bed of soft earth and rests for the winter. In the spring she emerges as a single leaf and goes on to produce two more friends for Sophie. It’s veggie love and a lovely story. Ages 4 to 8 – Publisher Random House Canada – $18.99 hardcover
The Apple Orchard Riddle
By Margaret McNamara, Illustrator G. Brian Karas
Many lucky kids get to go on a class trip to an apple orchard. This book will remind them of that trip, prepare them or make up for a missed opportunity to learn about this crisp, delicious, local fruit. Not just a lesson about apple production, there’s a riddle to solve and students who approach it in their own ways. It’s beautifully illustrated, fun and educational. Ages 4 to 8 – Publisher Random House Canada – $17.99 hardcover
Cheesie Mack Is Running Like Crazy
By Steve Cotler, Illustrator Douglas Holgate
If a reader likes Diary of a Wimpy Kid, he or she will like Cheesie and his crazy lists, drawings and made-up words. He’s taking a run at class president to make him outstanding in his new middle school. The election turns out to be the weirdest in the history of Grade 6. Ages 8 to 12 – Publisher Random House Canada – $17.99 paperback
Postcards from Space
By Heather Down
The story that Chris Hadfield told from space through his photography and social media is captured in this picture book. It’s a simplified edition of the biography of the former commander of the International Space Station, one of the coolest astronauts ever. Featuring some of NASA's best photography, this book will inspire kids to dream big. Ages 4 to 8 – Independent publisher – $14.99 paperback