April Cool Things
The Food Doula Cookbook
It’s not merely another cookbook, and chapters are by trimesters. From prenatal to postpartum, the Food Doula Cookbook has over 90 easy-to-make recipes for healthy meals. Advice for the new mother to be suffering morning sickness, food cravings and foods you should be eating to support breastfeeding.
$35.00 available at rubiconpublishing.com
Fitbit Ace 3
With Spring around the corner, Fitbit Ace 3 for kids 6+ will keep them active. Make it a family thing to either compete or track movement with the Fitbit app. The Fitbit Ace 3 is swim-proof, has animated features where kids can view their achievements, bedtime and wake-up alarms, tracks sleep duration, and so much more.
$99.99 fitbit.com available at Best Buy Canada
Nest Hub Max
The perfect gift for any household! The Google Nest is anyone’s best friend who can help you with almost anything; you say, “Hey Google” and ask away. It’s an organizer which displays schedules and a to-do list. It’s an endless recipe book, digital photo album. Want to video call a friend; you can do that, too. $299.00
General Mills
A blast from the past, General Mills Canada puts free collectibles back into Your favourite cereal boxes. Colour Changing cereal spoons that can be used over and over again. One Million Limited Editions spoons can be found in Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms in specially marked boxes. Available for a limited time only at your local grocers
Roo Prenatal Heartbeat Monitor
An excellent gift for the expectant mother. A portable prenatal device to give the new mom peace of mind while anticipating the arrival of the newest family member. This device can listen and track your unborn babies heartbeat. Not to be replaced by your regular medical care.
$75.00 available at threelambs.ca, chapters.indigo.ca
Soccer Slider
Soccer Slider, indoor soccer without the field or hearing mom say, “Don’t play ball in the house.”
Hours of safe fun made of soft foam slider glides over smooth surfaces, practice alone or compete against friends, made by Goliath Sports.
$14.99 amazon