Step into Spring
Signs of spring inspire thoughts of spring cleaning. It’s the time of year when most of us do our major cleaning; however, for me, it is the last thing I would like to do.
Easter is the first official gathering of the year, a celebration of family, chocolate, and warmer weather to come!
The term “spring” comes from the Old English word “springan,” which means “to leap up” or “to burst forth”, referring to the way that plants and flowers start to grow and bloom during this season. Overall, spring is a time of hope, optimism, and the promise of new opportunities.
One of my favourite sights is seeing puddles on a sunny day instead of mountains of snow on a cold day. It’s time to end heavy winter clothing, like boots and especially winter coats. Fresh cut grass smells better than the sight of dirty snowbanks left by snowplows.
My favourite thing about spring is spending most of my time outdoors, walks and seeing the faces of those who have hibernated. I know my dog Harley enjoys spring as she gets more time outside and loves to bask in the sun and doesn’t have to wear her awkward walking boots to keep her paws from freezing. Some are digging out the golf clubs and dusting off their bag. Others are wiping down their bikes or hosing down the driveway, and most of us are planting our gardens knee-high in the dirt.
For me, it’s the lake house and watching the ice melt back into water. Boats slowly drift into the marina, returning to their rightful docks. Birds are flocking home. Long weekends and people enjoying a cool drink on the pier and listening to the band playing. The lake is buzzing.
A breath of fresh air and more energy await me when I hear the word spring. Since everyone loves Dad’s burgers and hot dogs, I’m eager to bring out the deck furniture and fire up the barbecue. The anticipation of warmer days ahead: family gatherings, fireside chats, laughs and beautiful sunsets.
This is a sign that more sunny days will follow, and it feels as if the world, including myself, is waking up.
These are the signs, sounds and sights that summer is near.