Spring is in the air, and the kids can’t wait to get outside!
The weather is warming up, which means that it’s time to ditch those indoor activities and get some fresh air. There are plenty of fun ways to pass the time as a family this spring, so I’ve rounded up some of my favourites:
Go for a walk:
A stroll around the neighborhood is a great way to spend an afternoon with kids. It’s easy on the joints, and it doesn’t require any special equipment or planning. Or you can add a scavenger hunt and make a list of outdoor items they might find or even spot, like a child on a bike, or an elderly person strolling along with a cane. A butterfly or a red robin. The list is endless.
Play in the dirt:
Kids love getting their hands dirty, and playing in the mud or sand is one of their favourite ways to do it! This can be as simple as kicking around leaves, or you could even make your own sandbox out of an old shoe box. Better yet, gardening is an enriching activity for kids that can teach them a lot about nature, such as how to plant and nurture different types of plants and flowers.
A rock hunt:
After the planting is all done, create a section and call it the rock garden. Kids love rocks. Have them search and collect ones they can paint to place in their new garden. Get them a watering can, they also love going out to care for their little plants that they’ve been watching grow.
Take photos:
Get out your camera and snap some pics! Your kids will love being part of capturing memories like these for years to come. If you have an older child, you could even ask them to take pictures of their siblings. The kids will love seeing the pictures later, and it’s a great way to get them involved in something fun you can do together.
Every season has its own unique experiences, but spring offers an opportunity for the kids to shed bulky clothes in favour of shorts and tees and feel the sunshine on their skin – something they haven’t felt since fall!