Sister, change my diaper
Over the past few weeks a great post on Facebook sparked my attention, Toys R Us is selling baby dolls that have anatomically correct body parts made by “You and Me Mommy Change My Diaper”.
This has caused a lot parents to feel uncomfortable. Some might not like this product at all. Some adults in general feel uncomfortable talking to their children about their body parts and unnecessarily give weird names for their private parts. As parents we need to be able to talk to our children about the proper names of all of our body parts that way children feel comfortable about their bodies.
I am pleased to announce that I am expecting. With a baby arriving this winter, this kind of doll will come in handy for Squeak. If it’s a boy, she can to learn about changing the baby and what to expect underneath the diaper. Seeing a penis could be a shock to her. I think I will buy both the boy and the girl dolls so that she can practice changing the babies’ diapers. That way seeing a penis won’t be a surprise. Apparently this doll also actually wets its diaper.
I have blogged about this topic before and the importance of naming our body parts properly for children. According to a child abuse intervention centre “when children are taught the correct names for their body parts it enhances pride”. It is good to be open about our body parts and to answer any questions that they might have.
Shari Nelson is an advertising sales rep at City Parent and a contributor to the magazine's social media, including Facebook and Twitter. She has a background in Early Child Care Education, a 4-year-old daughter, a 9-year-old dog and a very handy, talented husband.