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Time for sale

Time for sale

Wouldn’t it be great if we could actually buy ourselves more time? Well, I can’t get you that but I can help you organize your time better so that you feel more efficient, effective and in control.

As a mother of 4, a wife and a working woman I understand what it’s like to struggle with getting things done, this is why I’d like to share with you my 10 commandments of time management:

1. Everything, and I repeat everything (not health related), can wait until tomorrow – The world won’t stop, people won’t disappear, your kids won’t suffer.

2. Be realistic – plan to complete no more than 2 or 3 tasks a day.

3. Be flexible – you need to know how to adapt to change so next time when you get that dreadful call from school that your child has lice – you don’t freak out.

4.  If there’s one thing you must get done, do it in the morning – you never know what will happen as the day unfolds.

5.  If there’s something that if it doesn’t get done you’re the only one to notice – guess what? it can wait!

6.  Write things down. I don’t know about you, but my memory is not what it used to be 11 years ago pre kids.

7. Delegate – surround yourself with a good support group (partner, husband, nanny, friend, mother).

8.  Plan ahead – having the shoes you’re going to wear the next morning ready, might save you the 5 minutes you need to drop the kids off at school on time.

9. Take at least 30 minutes a day for ‘me’ time – this will help you restore the energy and sanity you need to keep going.

10. Remember what’s important in life – this is the key to ensure all of the tips above work. These are the values you live by, and when you’re in tune with what  these are, prioritizing becomes easy.

Start following these simple tips and life will be easier to handle.

For more tips and information on how to make your life easier and well balanced, contact me today.

Life, The Coach Shiri way.

Shiri Gabriel, Career Consultant and Life Coach
