Home selling tricks of the trade
(MS) – Selling a home and home improvement go hand in hand. Homeowners who have sold a home in the past are well aware that before the "For Sale" sign gets staked out in the front yard, several steps need to be taken to make a home more attractive to prospective buyers.
Improving the exterior of home before sale is what's known as increasing its curb appeal. First-time home sellers would be surprised what a few seemingly minor changes on the outside can do o make a home more attractive to buyers. In addition, it never hurts to pull a few tricks on the inside as well.
Trim trees, bushes and shrubs
Few things are more unsightly outside a home than vegetation that's not well taken care of. Unkempt vegetation gives the impression that owners weren't fond of upkeep and might have let other things slide as well. Make sure all trees, bushes and shrubs are well-trimmed before any prospective buyers come over to look at the house.
Clean the patio
An attractive area for many home buyers is the patio. Most will want an area outside to relax and have a barbecue. Clean your patio thoroughly and replace any old furniture to highlight how valuable a nice outdoor space this can be.
Create an inviting aroma
Once homeowners enter a home, there are a number of tricks sellers can use to make the home more attractive. It's not uncommon for real estate agents to suggest baking a loaf of bread or other food that smells great shortly before the house is shown. Close the windows and oven fan when doing so to maximize the resulting aroma and allow it to spread throughout the house.
For areas of the house where the baking smells can't reach, try other tricks but avoid using potpourri. A lot of people are allergic to potpourri and may not be able to continue their tour of the house if the smell is too prevalent.
Use your fireplace to your advantage
If your home has a fireplace and you're selling it in colder months, by all means light the fireplace before showing the house. Lots of people dream of having a home with a functioning fireplace so make it a focal point whenever possible.
Create illusions
You don't need to be David Copperfield or Harry Houdini to create illusions that make your home appear more spacious than it really is. Instead, remove excess furniture that isn't absolutely necessary for the times when you're not showing the house. Chances are, rooms in your home appear cluttered to people who don't live there, and clutter creates the illusion that a place is small. Do the opposite by removing excess furniture and you might even like the extra space as well.