Kid of the Year
At nine-years old Jackie Cheng has faced profound sadness, losing her dad in 2006.
But somehow this loss has not impacted her sunny disposition, selfless kindness and driven resolve to do well academically.
Jackie, her 12-year-old brother Kenny, sister Leslie, 7 and mom Amy flew to Taiwan in March 2006 to be by their dad’s/husband’s side in hospital. They stayed through the spring and summer months, returning one month into the new school year, September 2006, following his untimely death from a gall bladder infection.
To share those precious last months with her dad, Jackie missed the last three months of Grade 3 and the first month of Grade 4. While the first report card upon her return revealed the repercussions of such a long absence and her obvious strife, sheer hard work successively produced improved report cards. This year she is one of the top students in her class. For this reason, Jackie was chosen as City Parent’s Challenge Champion.
According to ‘Classroom Secrets’ columnist Rob Stringer, who was one of the judges in this year’s contest: "For Jackie to have lost her father, made up half the school year, and still be giving of herself, helping others is indeed an accomplishment for any adult, let alone a nine-year old."
One of her teachers at Hollywood Public School in North York, Geoff Shaw nominated Jackie for the award. As the teacher-librarian (among other duties) Shaw got to know Jackie especially well because she is his "most devoted" student library helper, as she is with all her teachers and her mom.
"I thought she really deserved some recognition for…her optimistic attitude. She is a great example to our school’s staff, students and families."
"Basically, she worked hard, did everything her teachers asked and believed in herself. I've never seen her get discouraged," said Shaw.
Through tears Jackie said she still really misses her dad. But it is from him, she said, that she inherited the determination to keep trying.
"He gave me confidence," said the young girl. "I knew after he died that I had to get stronger and be more independent. My teachers help me do that."
Amy Chen is Jackie’s mom. She is equally amazed by her daughter’s resiliency. For the past two years her husband had lived in Taiwan because he found better paying work there in the computer field. His family visits back to Canada occurred just once in a year, making the time away difficult for everyone.
But as much as Amy credits her daughter’s resolve, she’s grateful to Mr. Shaw and the whole Hollywood School community, close friends and family, who have helped ease her family’s ongoing grief.