Counting and Matching For Preschoolers (3-5 years of age)
Sometimes; for fun Squeak and I play a game called matching and counting with smarties (she used to called them "farties" ). Hee hee hee.
This game is great for counting, matching and number recognition.
Dollar store special- Foam counting puzzle
Big pack of smarties (alternatives- depending on age, you could use buttons, fruit, beads, cereal)
To Do:*
Let your child choose the colour of smartie they would like to match to the number
*Count as you go along If your child says the wrong number. You should redirect by using your words to " Let's try counting together" and count with them, eventually they will correct themselves on their own, through repetition and guidance they will begin to recognize numbers.
*At the end of the game I usually let Squeak count nine smarties to enjoy after a long hard game of counting and matching! Then we count the left over smarties and put them into a container and store them in the fridge for another time when we feel like playing the game again.
Developmental Strengths:
*Working on strengthening index finger and thumb by placing smaller objects under each other.
*Matching colours with the coloured numbers by recognizing numbers and practicing counting.
* Enjoying some one on one time with mom and dad.
Shari Nelson is an advertising sales rep at City Parent and a contributor to the magazine's social media, including Facebook and Twitter. She has a background in Early Child Care Education, a 3-year-old daughter, a 7-year-old dog, a fish and a hamster. She aspires to own chickens and goat – maybe a farm one day, a dream she shares with her amazing and talented husband.