Spring detox tips
It’s finally spring and that means you may be ready for a spring detox. If so, follow these spring detox tips courtesy of Andrea Donsky, registered holistic nutritionist.
Preparation is Key:Undergoing a spring detox can be both mentally and physically draining so preparing our bodies and mind as much as possible prior to starting can help to reduce potential side effects like headaches and/or fatigue. About a week before you begin, start reducing (or eliminating) junk and sugary foods, alcohol and food additives. Make sure your bowels are working properly (meaning you are eliminating at least once or twice a day), and you are incorporating more whole foods into your diet. Be sure to work with a professional who understands cleansing or read Julie Daniluk’s book, “Hot Detox.”
Make Water Exciting. A great quote I once heard was: “The solution to pollution is dilution.” It’s important to drink a lot of water and fluids when detoxing in order not to avoid dehydration. If we are dehydrated, we won’t eliminate like we should be (we can become constipated) and detoxification can be reduced. If you find plain old H2O boring, you may be inclined to opt for a sugary drink, but don’t! Instead, try transforming your regular water into something more refreshing (and exciting) by making your own sparkling water. It only takes seconds with a SodaStream Sparkling Water Maker and squeezing in a ½ a lemon or lime helps your body expel whatever it is you are trying to detox.
Fibre, Fibre, Fibre:Ensuring you have adequate fibre in your diet while cleansing is important. Fibre helps to move things along in your digestive tract and drag the things you are trying to cleanse along with it. Aim for 25-38 grams of fibre a day. Enjoy fruits (grapefruit, berries, pineapple), vegetables (squash, jicama, artichoke, asparagus), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, navy beans, mung beans), chia and flaxseeds, and high fibre grains like brown rice and oatmeal. Tip: Avoid the white stuff as much as possible as it has little fibre or nutritional benefit.
Do Sweat The Small Stuff: It is important to get moving and break a sweat while detoxing because research shows we can eliminate toxins from our body when we sweat. Exercise, sitting in a sauna and/or doing hot yoga can be helpful. However, be sure to listen to your body and do whatever feels best for you.