Coping with body image issues
Marci Warhaft-Nadler, a mother of two children, is keen on helping kids with body image issues. She wants kids to reconsider thinking about wanting to be perfect. Warhaft struggled with her own body image when growing up, so she understands the frustration and knows that peer pressure hits young children hard.
So two years ago she decided to visit as many schools as possible to do a 90-minute workshop called Fit vs. Fiction that explains body image issues, peer pressure, the effects of eating disorders and having a healthy balanced lifestyle.
She also conducts seminars for boys and girls separately. Warhaft shows them pictures of actors and actresses without makeup and how photos can be altered by computers. Since she has struggled with her own problems, she shares her story to help kids get a different perspective.
She reminds people that there is only so much you can do to change your body shape or size and if pushed too far, there could be consequences such as bulimia and anorexia health problems.
Warhaft also wants adults to experience her program so she created a workshop for them. This helps parents look for the signs that their children might have a problem so they can address these issues at home. Parents also need to remind themselves that if their child overhears them talking about their weight, the thoughts will also go through their minds.
Warhaft also launched summer camp workshops plus her group on Facebook allows people to relate and chat. “I’m also in the process of writing a book,” she says. “It’s important to get the message out in a way they want to hear it. When I was struggling and needed something like this, I couldn’t find this kind of help, so I want to make sure that there’s something for anyone who wants it,” she says.
For more information visit www.Fitvsfiction.com,or FitvsFiction on Facebook.