Cookbook makes it easy to share with moms in need
Sharing is a concept we teach our kids at an early age and I’m pretty sure it’s in the Kindergarten curriculum.
Our ability to share is counted on by charitable organizations that provide us with ample opportunity to practice the skill. Most school-aged kids support the Canadian Cancer Society through events at their schools each September that are inspired by Terry Fox. University students in our community collect donations for the food bank at Halloween.
Sharing with charities should begin in childhood, as in birthday parties that benefit the local animal shelter with contributions of pet food and kitty litter instead of adding to a child’s toy mountain. Kids often gravitate to a particular charity based on their interests and concerns. The World Wildlife Federation, Save the Manatees, World Vision and Save the Children are some popular choices.
As adults, we too need to decide where to direct our charitable donations. It’s not wise to toss around in the sea of charity pleas with no idea of where to anchor our dollars. We’re apt to get swamped and bail entirely.
There’s no shame in declining a request, knowing that your loyalties are elsewhere.
Sometimes it’s really easy to say “yes” as was the case when I was asked to promote The Tilda Pure Basmati Mums Helping Mums packs are now available in Canada. Tilda is donating two nutrition-boosting meals to mothers and mothers-to-be for every specially-marked pack sold. Canadian moms can also download a free celebrity recipe book; for every book downloaded Tilda will donate another meal to a mom in Bangladesh. To find out more about how Tilda is supporting the World Food Program visit www.tildacanada.com/moms.
That’s how easy supporting a charity and sharing with those in need can be. And while those phone calls and requests at the checkout counter to donate to the disease-of-the-month and other charities can be annoying, they remind us that there are many worthy causes and much good work being done.
Pledge a couple of dollars here and there and make some causes your own. And while you’re online today, download the Mums Helping Mums cookbook and share a meal with a mom in need.