Childcare – Better nutrition away from home
When if comes to nutrition, does your school or daycare make the grade? Well-nourished students perform better. In fact, when children maintain a healthy, balanced diet, educators witness students with improved concentration, less in-class disruptions and a happier and healthier school environment.
“Ensuring children and youth get the proper nourishment they need for healthy development is important,” says Wendy Wong, president and CEO of Breakfast for Learning. “We encourage parents to get involved with their children's school and help ensure students are receiving the proper nutrition they need to learn.”
Breakfast for Learning offers these tips on how to get involved with your school and ensure proper nutrition for students.
• Organize a parent committee to examine healthy, affordable food choices available in school, including cafeterias and vending.
• Try flower sales or book drives as school fundraisers instead of selling cookie dough or chocolate bars.
• Contact your local MP and voice your support for a national nutrition standards program for schools across Canada.
• Does your school have a child nutrition program? Learn more about starting a program, and get helpful nutrition education resources at www.breakfastforlearning.ca.
“Children spend much of their day at school, and learning about proper nutrition should not only be part of the school curriculum, but also actual practice,” continues Wong. “Get involved and help ensure your local school gets top marks in child nutrition.”
More information about child nutrition in Canada and helpful resources are available online at www.breakfastforlearning.ca.