Angel food
For thousands of Toronto students the day does not begin with breakfast and may not even include lunch or a snack. In fact there are students in priority neighbourhoods who get their only meal of the day served to them at school. Poverty not only affects children’s nutrition, it impacts on their ability to learn and to behave appropriately while at school. Students who participate in nutrition programs at school become better learners and teachers report that their behaviour improves as well. The Angel Foundation for Learning administers funds to operate more than 50 Student Nutrition Programs (SNPs) in Toronto Catholic District School Board Schools. The foundation has been around for more than 20 years and in that time has seen the need for assistance grow, according to executive director Sara Camilleri. Last year the foundation dispersed $600,000 to help needy students. In addition to student nutrition programs the foundation supports class trips, leadership activities, and funding for social work emergency needs (provision of eyeglasses, hearing aids, Epi Pens, clothing and other essentials). Funds come from the provincial government, the City of Toronto and from events like the recent Angel Foundation for Learning 5 km Fun Walk. More than 600 students and families raised $30,000. For more information, visit www.angelfoundationforlearning.org.