HarbourKIDS presents Luminarium
There’s a philosophical shift underway at one of the city’s key arts venues: Harbourfront has decided to ratchet kids up on its priority list. "We really wanted to make children an important part of the organization. This is the beginning of a partnership with children and their imaginations," says Tina Rasmussen, director of performing arts for Harbourfront. The shift begins this Thanksgiving long weekend with the first HarbourKIDS event — one more is planned during the Christmas holidays and another will run in the spring. Each event will have a theme, and this one is the living city. Central to the event and the theme is the unique art installation Luminarium. This is a massive, outdoor inflatable structure that you walk through (the trek takes from 20 minutes to half an hour). Complete with sound, texture and vibrant colours, it’s a sensory reminder of how our environment impacts us. Meanwhile, kids can build their own city using Lego, and write verse with the Mayhem Poets, who integrate hip-hop and theatre, plus kids’ input, into their performances. Runs October 6 to 8, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Luminarium ends at 4 p.m., last entrance at 3:30) at Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay West. The event is free, but there’s a $5 entrance fee for Luminarium. 416-973-4000.