Earth Rangers show reaches 165,000 students in GTA
Earth Rangers, a non-profit organization that helps kids care for the environment, presents multimedia shows to students in grades one through eight. The highly interactive shows feature live animal ambassadors and inspire kids to help protect the planet.
“Interest in our program, and in environmental education and action is growing,” says Peter Kendall, executive director. “We were able to more than double our reach over last year to be in front of 165,000 children. We want to continue to increase our reach and inspire close to 350,000 children this year through all of our outreach programs to act with the environment in mind.”
The primary show focuses on water conservation and takes kids on a virtual canoe trip that teaches them how to use water responsibly. The show for junior students highlights a day in the life of a typical kid; students will be asked to identify common household activities that waste energy, and will learn how they can save energy in their daily lives.
The intermediate presentation calls upon the students to be ‘voices for change’ and shows them how the choices they make about the products and services they use can help change the world for the better.
“Over the years we’ve presented to almost half a million kids and we’ve talked with thousands of them in person;” said Jim Corston, executive producer at Earth Rangers, “We understand their innate desire to play a conscious part in the betterment of the world and we provide them with realistic ways to make a difference.”
In addition to initiating conservation efforts such as litter-less lunches, recycling, vermi-composting and anti-idling campaigns, schools across Ontario generously donated close to $19,500 to Earth Rangers during the last school year. Visit earthrangers.com or call