Beauty and the Beast
(Stage West Mississauga) – It may not be Broadway but this modern Disney classic offers big entertainment on the smaller stage thanks to a stellar cast. From the moment we meet Belle, played by Ashley Taylor, she enchants us and we’re convinced of her kind heart and grand dreams. Gabriel Burrafato’s emotional portrayal of The Beast is appropriately scary. Eric Craig plays the part of Lumiere to comic perfection, as do the other residents of the enchanted castle. Mark Harapiak as Gaston demonstrates his nasty nature by knocking about his sidekick LeFou, giving Caden Douglas the opportunity to display his acrobatic skills. My companion had seen Beauty and the Beast twice on the big stage downtown and claimed that this performance was every bit as good. At Stage West you get the show and a wonderful buffet dinner with enough selection to please all ages. A great choice for families, Beauty and the Beast plays until April 20. For tickets visit www.stagewest.com of call 905-238-0042 or 1-800-263-0684.