Ballet featured at Bata Museum
On Pointe: The Rise of the Ballet Shoe (Bata Shoe Museum) — If you’ve got a little dancer in the family, June is a dream month for you at our city’s museum all about shoes. Firstly, there’s the exhibit that draws the connection between the invention of pointe shoes and the transformation of ballet from a dance style like many others to something much more dramatic and athletic. Along with the shoes worn by the likes of Karen Kain and Marie Taglioni (the first pointe dancer), there’s video of grueling practices and gorgeous performances. To highlight this exhibit, the museum is running events all month long. Anyone — kids of both genders and parent included — who wear their ballet costumes to the museum get in free all month. As well, there’s a showing of a film version of the ballet La Sylphide (on Wednesday, June 18 from 6-8:30 pm). Natalie Leung of the National Ballet School’s costume department will be doing a costume fitting demonstration and letting kids try on tutus on Saturday, June 14 between 2-3 pm.
The exhibit runs until September 28. Admission is $4 for kids (free for five and under), $6 for students over 18 and $12 for adults. 416-979-7799.