Goal setting for the school year
School is back in session and the challenge in curriculum concepts sets the stage for interesting opportunities and experiences as well as the development of stronger interpersonal skills. The spirit of optimism is imbedded in new beginnings. The following points will be instrumental in helping your child to get off to a great start this school year:
Reflection: Reflection and goal setting discussions provide parents and their children with an excellent foundation for the new school year. Review with your child the following points: What worked best for you last year? What were your greatest successes? What were your greatest challenges? What can we do to help you achieve at your personal best level? What “at home” materials do you need to do your homework and projects?
Goal Setting: Help your child to set personal and academic goals for the new school year. Goal setting could include improved study habits or organizational skills, aiming for specific achievements or awards, and making new friends. Helping or guiding your child to establish realistic goals or objectives will go a long way to determining his future success. It will also ensure that your child knows that they have your complete support.
When students have an influence on the direction they take, they assume greater ownership on how they choose to meet the challenges that the school year will bring.
In addition, it is always important to have your child’s eyes and ears checked as an undiagnosed sight or hearing deficit can lead to undue stress and needless delays in academic skill development. Once school has begun, it is important to continue reading with your child each evening, and also to review math facts to refresh your child’s knowledge base of previously learned math.
When you help your child to prepare for a new year of learning, the greatest message you are sending is that you love them, and will be there to support them. Children who arrive at school, secure with the knowledge that they are loved and supported by their parents, and are treated with dignity and respect by their teacher, have all the fundamental foundations in place.
Linda Sweet M.S. Ed., is founder and director of Glenburnie School in Oakville, Ont.
Visit http://www.glenburnieschool.com/www.glenburnieschool.com or www.lindasweet.ca/blog