is a product of Media Classified Corporation
City Parent is a regional parenting publication featuring parenting advice, trends, products and events. Our archive of stories, images and videos is a historical record and, as such, it is important to preserve this information. We do not remove content from our website, including articles, photographs, videos, columns, editorials and letters to the editor.
We do not have any control over an item’s ranking in commercial search engines, such as Google.
Updates or corrections will be added to online content if the material is determined to be factually inaccurate. If such an error is brought to our attention and documented to our satisfaction, we will correct the content and indicate it has been updated.
If you found and wish to report an error, click the “report a typo or correction” link which is located on every story page. Alternately, e-mail our support team, at
Please be prepared to provide:
• your name, e-mail address and telephone number;
• the URL of the content in question;
• an explanation of why the content should be altered.